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Spanish Books
At once silly and serious, Karen Beaumont's joyous rhyming text and David Catrow's wild illustrations unite in a book that is sassy, soulful--and straight from the heart. Now in a Spanish-English bilingual board book edition.
Ficciones es quizá el libro más reconocido de Jorge Luis Borges, compuesto por los libros El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan y Artificios, ambos considerados piezas fundamentales del universo borgiano. Entre los cuentos que aquí se reúnen hay algunos de corte policial como "La muerte y la brújula", la historia de un detective que investiga el asesinato de un rabino; otros sobre libros imaginarios como "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius", una extraordinaria reflexión sobre la literatura y su influencia en el mundo físico; y muchos pertenecientes al género fantástico como "El Sur", acaso su mejor relato, en palabras del mismo autor. Fascinante y sorprendente, Ficciones le brinda al lector un mundo de reflexiones sobre las convenciones de lectura y el modo de entender la realidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Jorge Luis Borges has been called the greatest Spanish-language writer of our century. From Jorge Luis Borges's 1935 debut with The Universal History of Iniquity, through his immensely influential collections Ficciones and The Aleph, these enigmatic, elaborate, imaginative inventions display Borges' talent for turning fiction on its head by playing with form and genre and toying with language. Together these incomparable works comprise the perfect compendium for all those who have long loved Borges, and a superb introduction to the master's work for those who have yet to discover this singular genius.
Aunque el uso habitual de un texto como éste es describir las características de la obra, por una vez nos tomaremos la libertad de hacer una excepción a la norma establecida. No sólo porque el libro que tienes en tus manos es muy difícil de definir, sino porque estamos convencidos de que explicar su contenido estropearía la experiencia de la lectura. Creemos que es importante empezar esta novela sin saber de qué trata. No obstante, si decides embarcarte en la aventura, debes saber que acompañarás a Bruno, un niño de nueve años, cuando se muda con su familia a una casa junto a una cerca. Cercas como ésa existen en muchos sitios del mundo, sólo deseamos que no te encuentres nunca con una. Por último, cabe aclarar que este libro no es sólo para adultos; también lo pueden leer, y sería recomendable que lo hicieran, niños a partir de los trece años de edad. El editor Reseñas:
«Una historia que tiene mucho de fábula... una pequeña maravilla de libro.» - The Guardian «Un libro que persiste en la memoria del lector. Sutil, de una exquisita sencillez y absolutamente conmovedor.» - The Irish Times
«Un libro tan sencillo, tan aparentemente accesible, que es casi perfecto.» - The Irish Independent «Profundamente conmovedor.» - The Wall Street Journal
«Un libro que no se olvida.» - The Australian
«Extraordinario.» - The Irish Examiner "Powerful and unsettling. . . . As memorable an introduction to the subject as The Diary of Anne Frank." --USA Today Berlin, 1942: When Bruno returns home from school one day, he discovers that his belongings are being packed in crates. His father has received a promotion and the family must move to a new house far, far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall fence stretches as far as the eye can see and cuts him off from the strange people in the distance. But Bruno longs to be an explorer and decides that there must be more to this desolate new place than meets the eye. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different from his own, and their meeting results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.
"En la época en que vio la luz, el Quijote estuvo lejos de gozar la veneración que hoy le tributamos. La popularidad del libro fue inmediata e inmensa, pero no parece que debiera gran cosa a las sutiles, matizadas virtudes que subrayan los críticos modernos. Una risa loca, una risa a mandíbula batiente, fue el principal homenaje que rindió a Cervantes la España de Felipe III. Llamaban la atención los rasgos estrafalarios: la pinta del pobre hidalgo, los momentos más toscos del escudero, la flaqueza hiperbólica de Rocinante... El énfasis en las dimensiones cómicas y en la comprensión de la obra como "invectiva contra los libros de caballerías" no significa que el siglo XVII no le apreciara otros atractivos, apareciendo el protagonista no únicamente como un tipo delirante y divertido, sino que en su misma locura encontró rasgos positivos, ejemplares. El Quijote no es uno de esos libros compuestos unitariamente en un golpe de inspiración y luego revisados en una o varias etapas de labor minuciosa hasta ajustar impecablemente cada detalle al conjunto. Es un libro vivo, que se hace continuamente, que a cada paso crece y va a más." -Del prólogo de Francisco Rico ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A new edition of Don Quixote, an international literature masterpiece, in the care of Francisco Rico, a Spanish philologist and historian. Includes additional complementary material, bibliographies, academic texts, and references. "At the time when Don Quixote was first published, its success fell far from the respect and admiration that the work enjoys today. The book's popularity was immediate and vast. Some of its peculiar features stand out: the appearance of the poor nobleman, the squire's roughest moments, Rocinante's hyperbolic weakness... Considering the emphasis on the comic dimensions of the work and understanding it as a piece that went against the preconceived idea of chivalry books, does not mean that the seventeenth century did not appreciate other of its allures like, the protagonist appearing not only as a delusional and funny type, but in his same madness found positive and exemplary traits.
Don Quixote is not one of those books composed by a single stroke of inspiration and then revised in a couple of stages of meticulous work until every detail is perfectly adjusted to achieve a perfect final work. It is a living book, which is continually remade, one that grows and grows with each step." --From the prologue by Francisco Rico
*Última revisión 2022
From a bestselling and beloved author, an intensely personal collection of poetry "rich with political and human resonance" (Ursula K. LeGuin)
Before becoming the bestselling author we know today, Barbara Kingsolver, as a new college graduate in search of adventure, moved to the borderlands of Tucson, Arizona. What she found, she says, was "another America."
Interweaving past political events, from the US-backed dictatorships in South America to the government surveillance carried out in the Reagan years, Kingsolver's early poetry expands into a broader examination of the racism, discrimination, and immigration system she witnessed at close range. The poems coalesce in a record of her emerging adulthood, in which she confronts the hypocrisy of the national myth of America--a confrontation that would come to shape her not only as an artist, but as a citizen. With a new introduction from Kingsolver that reflects on the current border crisis, Another America is a striking portrait of a country deeply divided between those with privilege and those without, and the lives of urgent purpose that may be carved out in between.