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Medium BW Slate Notebook in Grey


Medium BW Slate Notebook in White

Moleskine Ruled Notebook

Moleskine Ruled Notebook

The Soft Cover pocket notebook with ruled pages has a flexible yet sturdy cover that adapts to the movements of the body and fits comfortably in any pocket. This is a reliable travel companion, perfect for writings, thoughts and passing notes. Every Moleskine product is thread bound and has a soft cover with rounded corners, acid free paper, a bookmark, an elastic closure and an expandable inner pocket that contains the Moleskine history.

- Layout: Ruled Paper
- Dimensions: 3
-1/2" x 5
- Soft Cover with elastic closure and bookmark ribbon.
- Color: Black
- Pages: 192
- Paper Weight: 70 gsm/47 lb.; FSC Certified Paper; Acid-Free (pH Neutral)
- Internal Accordion Pocket

Notebook - New Pink

Notebook - New Pink

$19.95 - $24.50



Orange on Grey

Orange on Grey

A classic symbol of the imagination, the circle is perfection achieved through geometry. With a lie-flat binding and a variety of size options, our Circulo notebook series is a pure expression of design at its most elemental and satisfying. Besides all that, is there anyone who can resist the simple charm of a polka dot?
Simplicity - Journal

Simplicity - Journal

$12.95 - $26.95

Hardcover 160 pp

Yellow Flowers Journal

Yellow Flowers Journal

160 lined pages. 5? wide x 7? high. Bookbound. Elastic band place holder. Embossed with silver foil, gloss highlights.
Diary of Your Home

Diary of Your Home

Ahlberg, Joanna
An informational, interactive home diary--complete with writing prompts, practical tips, and insightful inspirations--Diary of Your Home will appeal to a design-savvy, DIY-focused audience ranging from apartment renters to farmhouse owners. It stands out for its beautiful craftsmanship and in-depth information. It goes beyond the practical to encourage reflection on life within your home.

Inspiring readers to document the details of their home and their lives within it, this stylish guided home journal is an indispensable resource and a personal keepsake.

Carnaval - Journal

Carnaval - Journal

Alibabette Editions

Petit Perfect-Bound Notebooks - Soft Touch Cover 

Hardcover  100 pp

Les éventails (The Fans) - Journal

Les éventails (The Fans) - Journal

Alibabette Editions

Paperback • 100 pp, 6 x 8 1⁄3 
