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I Love Hearing Your Dreams

I Love Hearing Your Dreams
From one of contemporary poetry's most playful and original minds, an enchanting and harrowing journey through the landscape of dreams and twenty-first century hopes and disillusions.

"Your dreams
have no hidden
agenda to be wise
they are made
to be forgotten
so something
can be known"

I Love Hearing Your Dreams is a book of reveries, of failed elegies, of "the last time that things were real" and the moments that come afterward. These are dream songs for an age of insomnia, where the poet is always awake "at that oddest hour / that does not end, / the crooked, unnumbered one" and the future seems to be "just the past in a suit / that will never be in style." Yet dreams in Matthew Zapruder's poems are also a place of possibility, of reality envisioned anew--sleep shows us not merely what the world is, but what it could be.

From a poet celebrated for his "razor eye for the remnants and revenants of modern culture" (The New York Times), I Love Hearing Your Dreams is a startlingly beautiful and deeply vulnerable book where lives journey into a mystifying place and emerge transformed.

Publication Date: 
September 24, 2024
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